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Compassionate, quality petcare since 1947
Compassionate, quality petcare since 1947
Pre-Surgical Dental Consent Form
Pet Name
Pet Birthday
Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
List any known allergies this pet has
Alternate Phone
Current medications and time of last dose
Has this veterinarian previously examined this pet?
I fully understand the procedure my pet is here for today
Were you given an estimate of the costs for today's surgery/procedure?
Would you like an estimate now?
Has this pet eaten today?
Charges for vaccines are: $35.50 per vaccine, plus examination fee. Except feline leukemia vaccines which are $39.00, canine influenza which are $46.00, and canine lyme which is $44.50.
It is our clinic policy to require up-to-date vaccinations on all pets entering our hospital for surgery, grooming and day boarding.
Required vaccines are:
• Distemper (DALPP)
• Rabies
• Bordetella (ITT)
• Distemper (FVRCPC)
• Rabies
• Rabies
Pre-Anesthetic Blood Testing
Additional cost of $100.92
Like you, our greatest concern is the well being of your pet. Before anesthetizing your pet, the veterinarian will perform a full physical examination as well as draw a blood sample for screening. Many conditions, including disorders of the liver, kidneys or blood, are not detected unless blood testing is performed. Such tests are especially important before any kind of surgery. We require that all pets have pre-anesthetic screening.
I.V. (Intravenous) Fluid Therapy
Under most circumstances, pets have been "fasted" and water withheld for a period of time prior to surgery. This has been recommended so that your pet has an empty stomach during his/her procedure to avoid vomiting and secondary aspiration pneumonia. IV therapy can help support their hydration levels and blood pressure and help with administration of emergency drugs if needed, which are all important during anesthesia/surgery.
IV fluid therapy is included with the cost of the dental procedure and and IV catheter will be placed. Please check if you have read and understand.
Pain Control After Surgery
Pain control during and after surgery is an important aspect of the healing process while also providing comfort to your pet. Pain medications will be prescribed to your pet based on the discretion of your veterinarian. Post-surgery injections and take-home medications are based on weight of pet. Pain medication will be dispensed if your pet has any extractions and/or deemed necessary by the veterinarian. Additional cost of $10-$35 will be charged if pain medication is prescribed.
I agree to the above stated.
Extraction of Teeth
When your pet is under anesthesia for dental cleaning, a veterinarian will examine the teeth and determine if any need to be extracted. This cost varies depending on which tooth and/or teeth will need to be extracted.
Do you give permission to remove teeth?
Yes, I give the veterinarian full permission to remove any and all teeth deemed necessary for my pet's oral health.
No, please call me at the provided number with the cost for the teeth that need to be removed.
If you cannot be reached at the provided phone number:
I, yes, authorize the teeth to be extracted.
No, continue dental cleaning without extractions recommended.
Secondary Services Offered to Surgical Patients
Your pet has been admitted to the Animal Clinic today for the procedure listed on the front of this Consent Form. Many times, owners will request that other services be addressed while their pet is in our care. If you would like the veterinarian and staff to provide additional services to your pet, please indicate from the list provided.
Additional Services
Toe Nail Trim (no charge)
Ear Cleaning ($19.00)
Express Anal Glands ($41.00)
Heartworm Test ($49.00)
Identification Chip ($44.50)
Fecal - Annual ($44.50)
Select all you would like performed on your pet
Payment for Services
Payment is due in full at the time of service. You will be expected to pay your entire bill just prior to your pet being discharged from the Animal Clinic unless you and your veterinarian at the Animal Clinic, Inc. have made other arrangements. We accept credit card and debit card payments.
Owner's Release
The doctors and staff of the Animal Clinic, Inc. are to use all reasonable precautions against injury, escape or death of my pet. I understand that anesthesia involves risk to my pet which can be as severe as death. I also understand that surgical results cannot be guaranteed. I will not hold the Doctors or staff of the Animal Clinic, Inc. liable for an adverse outcome.
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